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Garrett - 17 - Nov.14 - ♂

Garret is as condescending as he is white (which is incredibly so).
He loves the recognition that comes with his academic awards and believes the world revolves around him (to an extent). As he is incredibly selfish, Garrett always has an ulterior motive to his actions. He wants people to acknowledge his intelligence and effort, but his bad attitude clashes with his desire for praise, leaving most people on edge.
He despises the stereotypical popular kids at school, as well as the druggies, the art kids, the slackers, any competition... virtually anyone. He only enjoys the company of his friends, but it's hard to say whether they like him or not. His only redeeming quality is how ambitious he is, but even that is fueled by his selfish desires.

- only notable accomplishment is being the school president
- good at puzzles and card games
- always says the wrong thing
- hates it when people point out how long his hair is
- in about 6 clubs all at once. is the leader of all of them.
- proud of his funko pop and cd collection
- (hates satoshi)
- never ask him about miles

Satoshi - 17 - May.5 - ♂

Satoshi is a smug teen with a bit of a god complex. His narcissistic attitude paired with his feeble stature makes him an endearing individual to his peers. He can be pretty blunt and tends to brag about his academic success in front of others.
He is calm, clever, and a bit selfish. Above all, he is very mischievous and a bit perverted. He enjoys messing with people (e.g. Miles, Diego, Kim, and Scott) and ironically pokes fun at anime cliches by acting them out (many would disagree it is done ironically).

- (annoyingly) uses Japanese honorifics
- co-leader of the math club
- diet consists primarily of uncooked ramen
- watches anime on the school computers
- spends most of his time playing osu!
- makes fake IDs for people at school

Miles - 17 - Sep.13 - ♂

Not exactly the kind of young man you'd imagine when you think of a “basement dweller”. Miles is socially awkward and highly cynical. There isn’t much to his personality that you could describe as good. He is unable to express his emotions properly and his temper gets the best of him at times.
Miles can be very stand-offish and awkward to talk to. He's prone to avoid eye contact, which can make some people uncomfortable. He intentionally provokes people who don't like him in hopes of being mistreated and degraded as it feeds into his masochistic fantasies. He is usually seen with his best friend Robbie, who shares the same nihilistic view on life he has. His hobbies are of a morbid nature, but he spends most of his time stalking whatever current crush has.

- loves all things occult and supernatural
- Into emo bands and believes any other genre of music "sucks ass"
- secretly a hopeless romantic
- has a very extensive knife collection
- uses clunky and outdated technology
- loves spicy food so much he carries packets of hot sauce with him

Scott - 17 - Jun.20 - ♂

Scott is the future successor of his father's company and the older twin brother to Kim.
Due to his rich upbringing and pampered life, provided by his doting father, he is severely narcissistic and arrogant. He constantly bosses people around and has little to no regard for the feelings he's hurt, as seen when he teases the more sensitive people in his class (e.g. Isaac and Carmen).
He acts a bit ditzy due to his obsession with 2000s icons and is easily grossed out. He may come off as immature, but he takes his family's tradition and expectations seriously.

- obsessed with Paris Hilton and other 2000s icons
- only consumes diet coke and water
- chronic liar
- models for a magazine company
- good at skating
- has dirt on every student at his school

Robbie - 17 - Apr.1 - ♂

Robbie is the third eldest of eleven children and is currently the "man" of the house. He works hard for his family by taking on various jobs with Michael to support them. His main job is at his mother's mechanic shop.
In his free time he collects figures of his 2D boy wives. He has a strange fear of real-life girls, often going red in the face when they talk to him. He does his best to avoid them (with the exception of Kim).
His sarcastic approach to life makes him an easy target for teasing from his classmates. He acts bothered by it but he secretly enjoys the attention sometimes.
The only respect he gets are from the people who watch his streams.

- flexes his academic achievements when he gets the chance
- believes God has a personal vendetta against him
- can hotwire a car
- has worked at every fast-food joint in the city
- good at drumming but hates his band
- good at suppressing his sexual desires

Michael - 17 - Jul.11 - ♂

Michael is cheerful and naive despite his difficult upbringing. He's intellectually disabled and relies on David and Robbie a lot.
Despite being raised by his cruel uncle, who he believes to be his father, he somehow managed to remain very innocent and trusting.
He is quite irresponsible but has a good sense of empathy and always tries to help, even if people don't want him to. This also makes him easy to take advantage of.
His seemingly never-ending supply of energy is often released through sports, art, and cooking. These happen to be the only three things he takes seriously but are difficult to focus on due to living in severe poverty. He spends most of his time with David.

- makes fursonas of every single person he meets
- only lets his best friends call him Mikey/Mike.
- cryptozoologist
- spends most of his allowance on magazines about porn and monsters
- loves cheesy slasher films
- has a pile of stolen street signs in a corner of his room

Phil - 19 - Jun.15 - ♂

Phil is an extremely lethargic boy who's never sober for more than a few minutes. He was raised in a wealthy household but only received what he wanted so long as he followed strict rules. This had a profound effect on him, which developed into an apathetic behavior that he jokes as nothing more than finding internal peace.
However, despite being very passive and prone to hiding his emotions, he expresses a good sense of humor and appreciation for his friends.
He doesn't like being alone but he tends to stray from circles of attention. This often fails due to his father's wealth and his height.
He casually flaunts his wealth, though he has generous intentions when doing so. This makes him well liked and one of the more popular kids at his school.

- almost never sober
- knows how to stack a good sub
- has a terrible sense of direction and often gets lost
- probably likes your mom
- often hits his head on the door frame when he enters a room
- has broken his arm multiple times from reckless skating

David - 17 - Dec.6 - ♂

David is an old-fashioned boy who puts a great deal of importance on being a "real man", which causes him to suppress personal feelings.
He only lets his guard down around his closest friends so that his emotions don't explode in his own face. But even then he's hesitant to admit what he considers "feminine" emotions.
He typically adopts the roles of leadership in many aspects of his life. While he may come off mature for most of the time, he finds it difficult to not tease a select few individuals in his class. He has a bad habit of picking fights with anyone who bothers Michael and will not hesitate to shove someone in a locker.

- has no idea how to use technology and doesn’t want to know
- takes better care of his Cadillac than himself
- tends to squeeze things a little too hard to the point of breaking them
- holds his phone far from his face to see the screen
- loves those 50s gelatin-based dishes

Chiron - 17 - Oct.19 - ♂

Chiron falls into the moody teenager stereotype and begrudgingly volunteers as a youth leader at his father's church.
He is quite cynical and has little patience for people who play games with others. He takes a bit of pride in how intimidating he can be.
He is a perfectionist and stresses out over meeting deadlines and his own expectations. He makes money on the side doing odd art jobs, but doesn't mention it to anyone. He keeps most of his hobbies under wraps. Funnily enough he believes he's good at drawing, though that is far from the truth.

- sighs a lot when talking
- exceptional at scrapbooking
- watches films with a straight face
- the only normal person at school
- very secretive (hates talking about himself)
- has a strange relationship with religion

Romeo - 17 - Jul. 4 - ♂

Romeo is the laid-back son of two farmers who live a few hours away from the city.
He sports his signature cowboy hat and overalls that he wears for every situation. He avoids conflict and acts as a sort of peacemaker. This relaxed behavior of his earned him the nickname "Bromeo".
He is quite perverted and often teases his classmates with promises of hugs, kisses, and anything under the sun. Whether he would carry out these actions if the offer was reciprocated is a mystery to his classmates. He has a strange set of rules he follows throughout the day, the most important being sleeping with no clothes on.

- rarely opens eyes but can still see
- feeds the raccoons in the forest behind his house
- photographs everything
- sleeps with his hat covering his face
- steals street signs and gives them to his friends
- doesn’t trust hospitals/doctors

Isaac - 17 - Jul.8 - ♂

Isaac (better known as Carmen's plaything) is a timid boy who spends most of his time at his father's bakery.
He was sheltered for most of his childhood and his lack of experiences make him quite naive and paranoid. He takes solace in the kitchen of the bakery and earns an allowance by working for his father.
He is easily impressed and influenced, which several of the boys in his class take advantage of. This has made him a victim of many harmless pranks, but he is luckily "defended" by Carmen.
Despite his timid personality, he can be a bit sarcastic.
He vents most of his frustrations to Chiron and claims he hates being treated like a child.

- diet consists 90% of bread
- wears shirts with sleeves that go past his hands so he won't bite his nails
- pulls at his own hair when he's nervous
- wears a lot of band aids on his fingers
- spends a lot of time at school in the nurse's office
- usually gets children discounts at restaurants

Carmen - 17 - Feb.12 - ♀

Carmen is the older twin sister to Diego and is an avid Jesus enthusiast.
She can be defined by three characteristics: being highly religious, obsessed with maintaining order, and constantly doting over Isaac.
Her temper can get the best of her but she veils this under a finely crafted maternal front. Even then she typically goes on rants about the state of the world and ends it with a prayer.
Her unnatural obsession with religion can be tied to her mother, who exhibits the same traits. She sees no issue with acting that way and encourages the "lost souls" in her class to follow suit.
She is often seen suffocating Isaac with her affection, going so far as to knit him clothes and take him out to eat. If he doesn't comply she'll physically coerce him into submission. She swears she's doing it for his well being.

- will pray when something even remotely inconvenient happens to her
- babysits children as a part-time job
- unaware of how loud she can be
- loves insects
- will not attend an event unless there is food involved
- spends a ridiculous amount of time praying before bed
- owns very few material possessions
- needs glasses but refuses to wear them

Diego - 17 - Feb.12 - ♂

Diego is the younger twin brother to Carmen and is unintentionally ignored by most people.
The running gag in his life is that most people forget he exists despite his giant stature. Diego acknowledges this aspect of his life but even his family forgetting his name has him feeling disappointed.
He spends most of his time towards improving in all aspects of life. His rigorous routine makes most people believe he is much older than he really is.
He's very passive and dense and strives to peacefully encourage order. He is quite reserved, which counters his sister's impulsiveness.
He feels guilty whenever he thinks about his sexuality and releases those pent up thoughts and feelings through his writing. He's got a decent reputation on where he posts stories he writes for his girlfriend Kim.

- softspoken and takes things literally
- very clumsy and tends to drop his phone
- people get his name wrong all the time but he doesn’t correct them
- writes yaoi fanfics
- often mistaken for a teacher at his school
- enjoys heavy metal and owns several band tees

Kim - 17 - Jun.20 - ♀

Kim is a bubbly cheerleader at her school, but her girl-next-door persona is all an act. She is the younger twin sister to Scott.
She's fairly cynical and feels envious of her brothers for being men and often wishes she was born a boy. She's inconsistent with this thought as she enjoys the attention being a cute girl brings her. In a jokingly cruel way her "cuteness" does not interest the boys she likes. This happens to be the only reason why she would ever feel down and pouty.
She loves all things cute and believes being cute is not only for appearances, but also a mentality. She tends to attract chaos because of her mischievous nature and loves to drag her friends into whatever trouble she gets herself into.

- bets on novelty items online
- fujoshi and ships her irl male friends
- draws loli art (she projects onto it)
- is better than her brother at almost everything but receives no attention for it
- only writes using a pink glitter ink pen
- deathly embarrassed of her younger self